Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Bicycle Master Plan Public Engagement Continues

Public Engagement Session #2

Network & Route Design

Date: Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Time: Drop in: 4:30pm - 5:30pm

Working session: 5:30pm - 7:30pm

Location: Dalhousie Student Union Building,

Room 303, 6136 University Avenue
Dalhousie University, Saint Mary’s University,

Capital Health and the IWK Health Centre are working together to advance their sustainability goals through the development of a Bikeways Plan for the Urban Halifax Institutional District.The District, encompassing the lands controlled by all four institutions on the Halifax Peninsula,is a major regional destination for staff, students and visitors. There is great potential to shift a significant number of commuter trips from cars to bicycles through investment in improved bicycle infrastructure and facilities.

There are a range of initiatives currently underway on the peninsula that highlight the interest in and potential for cycling as a transportation choice. There is a need, however, to think strategically about how the four institutions can work with other partners and government to improve the quality of facilities, services and infrastructure for cyclists.

Over the next three months, planners with Dalhousie’s Cities & Environment Unit will be working with the four institutions and the community at large to develop the Bikeways Plan. Building on existing plans and policy, such as HRM’s Active Transportation Function Plan, we will engage staff, students, visitors and community members in establishing a bold vision for the future of cycling in the District, and prioritizing investments in new infrastructure and facilities. The newly formed Bicycle Action Committee (BAC) will guide the process.

Please join us at the public sessions to share your ideas, or provide your input to:

Cities & Environment Unit
or follow the project at:

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