Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Mental Health Services is looking for feedback

In an effort to find the best way that Capital Health Mental Health Services can get feedback from consumers/family, we will be holding a community conversation and invite you to join us.

When: April 8, 2010
Time: 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Place: Room #165 at Healthy Minds Cooperative, Bayers Road
Facilitator: Vince Daigle

Light refreshments available.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Pride Health wants to hear from You!

We are hosting a conversation about prideHealth services in the community. prideHealth is an initiative of Capital Health - Primary Health Care, along with the IWK, to create safe access to health care for members of the GLBTI communities. Share your thoughts with us.

We are looking for your input on . . .
• How we are doing with prideHealth services
• How we can better promote our services
• How we can support health care in our communities

April 8, 2010 ~ 7 - 10pm
Youth Project, 2281 Brunswick Street

For more information, call Jeanne Rokosh, prideHealth Coordinator, at
902-454-6953, or email jeanne.rokosh@cdha.nshealth.ca.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Homelessness Report Card

The Second Halifax Report Card on Homelessness Launch
Wednesday March 24th, 10:00am
Brunswick Street Mission
2107 Brunswick Street, Halifax

In 2009 Community Action on Homelessness along with our partners successfully produced the first Report Card on Homelessness which was intended to raise public awareness on the issues related to homelessness and deliver a comprehensive set statistics that reflect the current facts on homelessness that are faced in our community. The 2010 Report Card on Homelessness is nearing completion this year we and highlight important supportive housing programs in our community as well update the community indicators for comparison.

The Report Card documents the current state of homelessness using indicators that monitor changes in homelessness, housing, and income. This enables us to identify pressure points in the system and develop proactive and responsive strategies. Statistics provided throughout the report card come from existing institutions like Statistics Canada, the Canadian Mortgage and Housing Corporation, and Nova Scotia Department of Community Services.

Monday, March 22, 2010

We're looking for great people!

Halifax Community Health Board is seeking volunteer board members interested in creating a healthier community. We serve residents of Fairview, North End Halifax, Downtown, Northwest Arm, South End Halifax, and Connaught/Quinpool.

We want our Board to reflect our community, so diversity, gender balance and the age of our members is important to us. If you have a desire to make your neighbourhoods healthier, we’d like to hear from you!

For more information please contact Susan Dunn at 487-0592 or email susan.dunn@cdha.nshealth.ca

Deadline for applications is Friday, April 23, 2010.

Women's Group-career decision making planning

THURSDAY, MARCH 25th, 9:30 am
Guest facilitator for this Women’s session will be Jodi Sullivan, a Career Counselling student. This interactive workshop will provide participants the opportunity to develop skills that will assist them in their future job search or career decision making planning.
Topics will include;
Identifying factors that relate to family that influence job search/career decisions.
Considering career options that may allow you to work from home or otherwise balance career and family.
Defining and identifying transferrable and employable skills.
Stating employable skills.
Recognizing employment skills can be developed from non paid work.
Using community and web resources to assist in job searching.
Participants of the workshop will be provided with assistance with their resumes, and are welcome to bring along their resumes or questions.
What: Women’s Group
When: March 25th, 9:30 am
Where: Fairview Family Resource Centre
3524 Dutch Village Road, HFX
Phone: 443-9569
Email: parentntot@eastlink.ca
If you are interested in participating in this workshop please drop by the office or Call: 443-9569
Childcare and a nutritious snack will be provided

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Social Enterprise in Rural and Urban Development: A Learning Event

The Atlantic Council for Community and Social Development is hosting a learning event on March 25 and 26 in Dartmouth. If you are involved in community development or if your work involves non-profit organizations or co-ops that serve marginalized communities, then these workshops and presentations will be informative and useful.

Date: March 25-26, 2010
Place: NSCC Waterfront Campus

For more information visit www.accse.ca

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Free Public Presentations on Health Issues

The Healing Hands Mental Health Association of Nova Scotia will be holding a one day conference of free, public workshops on a variety of mental health and other health related issues.

Date: Saturday, April 17, 2010
Time: 9:30 am to 3:15 pm
Place: Bloomfield Centre Multipurpose Room, 2786 Agricola Street, Halifax

Topics include yoga based stress reduction, grief and mourning, memory and cognitive health with a focus on Alzheimer's disease and other dementias, and sleep disorders.

Pre-registration is required. Email hhmhans@gmail.com or call 479-4656.

Cash donations for Feed Nova Scotia will be gratefully received.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Smoking Cessation in the Workplace

Capital Health, Addiction Prevention & Treatment Services (Hosting Organization) and its Partners are hosting the official launch of the Smoking Cessation in the Workplace Resource: A Guide to Helping Your Employees/Union Members Stop Smoking. The launch takes place in Halifax at Pier 21 on Tuesday, April 6th 2010 between 10:00 and 11:00 am.

This very important resource was developed to support employers, unions, and health care providers to assist employees/union members to stop smoking. Please mark this important date on your calendars and RSVP by March 30th to Joanne@researchpowerinc.com or by telephone at 463-0353.

Note an optional train-the-trainer session will follow the event.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Community Conversation on Breastfeeding - What's Next?

The Capital District Breastfeeding & Baby Friendly Initiative Committee would like to invite you to attend a Community Conversation on Breastfeeding – What’s Next?

In October 2009, the Capital District Breastfeeding and BFI Committee invited a variety of breastfeeding champions together to have a conversation on what the burning issues around breastfeeding are and how we can have an impact, together, moving forward.

There was a lot of passion and dedication in the room that day. What we heard that day was the need for sharing, learning and action. We are excited to move this work forward.

We’re inviting you to join us Wednesday March 31st from 8:30am – 1:30pm (healthy lunch included) at the Mic Mac Amateur Aquatic Club (192 Prince Albert Road, Dartmouth) to act on next steps and build a breastfeeding community of practice.

If you’re interested in joining us – please RSVP by March 26th to Sarah MacDonald
(sarah.macdonald@cdha.nshealth.ca or 481-5886).

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The Street: A film with the homeless

Phoenix and the Brunswick Street Mission share a passion for breaking the cycle of poverty while tackling the reality of homelessness in our community. We invite you to join the Brunswick Street Mission on Saturday, March 27th in the viewing of a "The Street: A film with the homeless”.

The Street was the winner of a Special Jury Award for Documentaries at the Vancouver International Film Festival in 1996 and the People's Choice Award at the 1997 Canadian International Documentary Film Awards in Toronto, the film is a gritty, compelling look at life on the streets that moves beyond the media stereotypes to show both the humanity of the homeless and the street-toughened aspects of their existence.

The film is being screened from 10:00- noon at the Oxford Theatre on the corner of Oxford Street and Quinpool Road. Tickets are $15 and can be ordered through the Brunswick Street Mission (423- 4605).

All proceeds are in support of the Mission programs.

Monday, March 8, 2010

NSGF Launches 2010 Student Scholarship Essay Contest

The Nova Scotia Gaming Foundation announces the launch of its new Student Scholarship Essay Contest for graduating Nova Scotia high school students. The NSGF Essay Contest is an opportunity for young Nova Scotians to think critically about problem gambling as an issue relevant to Canadian youth.

For more information call 424-0963 or 1-866-424-0963.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Mothers in Motion seeks Community Collaborators

Great opportunity . . . spread the word.
Mothers in Motion seeks Community CollaboratorsThe Canadian Association for the Advancement of Women and Sport andPhysicalActivity (CAAWS) is seeking opportunities to collaborate with eightcommunities across Canada interested in developing and delivering aphysicalactivity program and/or sport initiative for mothers of lowsocioeconomicstatus (LSES) that fully integrates a healthy eating and/or nutritionforsport component.Each program must be a minimum of 8 weeks with the ultimate goal ofpromoting the importance of healthy, active living. Programs mustbeginbefore June 1, 2010. Each community will receive $2,000 in programsupportwhich can be used for equipment, resources, promotion of programsand/orevents, childcare services, or transportation costs for LSES mothers. Application forms and more details can be found here:http://www.caaws.ca/mothersinmotion/e/lowstatus/grants.cfm Submission Deadline: March 17, 2010.Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me atlspragge@caaws.ca

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Community Development Fund

We're looking for great ideas!

Have you ever had a great idea to make your neighbourhood healthier? If so, we'd like to hear from you!

Halifax Community Health Board is accepting applications to our Community Development Fund from eligible non-profit and community based organizations. Grants of up to $5,000 are available.

To find out more about our community health priorities, funding criteria, or to discuss your idea please contact Susan Dunn at 487-0592 or susan.dunn@cdha.nshealth.ca

Deadline for applications is Friday, April 23, 2010.